It’s done: Tourality has a new face! New design, new features, better usability. After extending our web portal and the Tourality software repeatedly for a longer period the time has now come to give it a new design and lift it to the latest technological level. We haven’t just extended our website with a blog that will keep you up-to-date about all changes and events but also have been eager to make it substantially more user friendly for you.
We are still working on many things like for example the myTourality area in which you can create Game Sets, interact with the Tourality community, and use other new features. This section will be finalized within the next weeks and we will of course inform your here about everything.
The Tourality app has been reworked fundamentally as well and we will add features like Twitter Connect and Facebook intergration. In addition the app will run on common smartphone operating systems like Android, Nokia, BlackBerry and a little later iPhone OS as well. With this we are pushing Tourality as a location-based game to a new level and we hope you will like it even more.
Until then we regrettably have to switch off the old platform and cannot admit new users until the launch. Those of you that have already instelled Tourality on their mobile phone can continue playing existing Game Sets in the meantime. Thank you for your understanding!
If you want to keep up with what will happen during the next weeks in the world of Tourality and location-based gaming should follow us at Twitter or Facebook.
Hi there. I’d love to play tourality on my samsung wave and unfortunately it seems the company is going down the same route as many and only supplying the app to the most popular platforms? As I am running bada I doubt you will release an app for it but is it possible that you will produce it in java like before?? I reckon it would make the app even more popular and therfore accessible for everyone.
Hi Ross,
We will be releasing a Java ME (MIDP) version along with the Android and BlackBerry versions. Right now we’re in the step of finalizing the apps. We haven’t tested on Bada though so we still have to check for compatibility.